Etsy Launch
Its over a year since I launched this website. I could start on at myself for not updating properly but I know it wont be useful. Instead I can remind myself that I learned so much working freelance last year, good things and bad, but most importantly, what I want out of my work life balance (is there such a thing?!?) After a bit of bad luck with my health earlier this year I've refocused my efforts on my own goals. What are the things I want to bring to life!
Well, the list is long and I've had to keep asking myself tougher and tougher questions until I got a little more laser focused. The main thing I wanted from myself was to stop saying 'someday i'll...' And the first one I felt I could manage was 'someday i'll set up an Etsy shop'. No more someday! The wheels are in motion and I'm bringing my style of illustration to the world. Its just a start but from acorns grow great oak trees! Right now i'd settle for a great twig :)