Customs and folklore about Brigid

Saint Brigid

For Christians Brigid is a saint and was the founder of many monasteries in Ireland, among them Kildare Abbey. 


Ancient Goddess

And for many others she is seen as the ancient Goddess of Ireland, associated with the hearth, health, poetry, inspiration and more!


In Irish myth Brigid was the daughter of the Daghda himself and possibly Danú the river goddess and mother of all the Tuatha Dé Dannan.

Brat Bríde | Brigid’s cloth

This is a small cloth, tie or ribbon that can be left outside on the eve of Brigid's day and then used for protection or to ward off headaches among other things.

The Red-eared White Cow

Red-eared white animals are linked to the ‘Daoine Sídhe’, fairies and the other-world in Irish folklore. These animals often represent the liminal space between this world and the other-world or are often the ‘Daoine Sídhe’ taking form in this world.

Stories about Brigid have her traveling Ireland with a red-eared white cow which could symbolize her connection to the Tuatha Dé Dannan or even symbolize a union of pagan and christian beliefs.


Brigid’s Eye!

To discourage a suitor, Brigid once plucked out one of her eyes (hardcore!) 

When he left her be, she healed her eye back up again.


Duilleog Bhríde

I found this native Irish flower, Nipplewort (ouch) named “Duilleog Bhríde” in Irish. I prefer the Irish name for it!